Shed Refurbishment

In the fall of 2023, Y.A.H.O.O. volunteers noticed that some of the boards on the north side of the Y.A.H.O.O. shed had become rotten. As volunteers started to remove them, it was revealed that water incursions (clearly over many years) were extensive, particularly around the entirety of one of the shed’s two doors. Ten minutes in and the project was already beyond our capabilities

Without hesitation and without being asked, Tom Dube of Dube Construction Management (DCM) generously agreed to donate materials and about three days of Ethan LaFosse’s time, a project supervisor at DCM, to complete repairs.

It involved rebuilding nearly the entire north wall (studs and siding), some of the interior floor, replacing most of the base boards along with portions of the siding close to the ground, several trim boards, and inserting flashing at seam lines.

Y.A.H.O.O.’s bright orange shed serves its practical purpose. It stores the tools of our trade: rakes, tarps, and buckets. But the shed is also a gathering place. It’s a place of community where volunteers, both youth and adults, gather early on Saturday mornings before streaming across Sterling to tend to yards. It’s a living monument to community spirit, giving, and teamwork.

It was clearly in that spirit that Tom and Ethan generously donated their time, professionalism, and resources to shore up our meeting house. Their kind and generous spirit exemplifies the essence of Y.A.H.O.O.’s mission – to contribute to our community and make connections with kindness to our neighbors in Sterling. We can’t thank them enough.

“Meet you at the shed!”